In the past, when I made blog posts or videos regarding how inaccessible this world is, what do people who obviously didn’t watch the video or read the blog post say? “I need to…
Why did I become an angry autism activist. Listen. My context of being an ‘autism activist’ is more or less using my angry voice to put my foot down against the hatred autistic people…
If I got a dollar every time someone blamed me for being ‘negative’ I’d have well over a million dollars. I think people don’t quite understand how mental illness work. Ranting about that program,…
You are reading this right? I saw a video in my feed from an autism YouTuber called “The Aspie Word.” In his video he will show some sources in the video itself. A DRN…
Believe it or not, the workplace does weed us out. The next time you apply for a job look at the description and what the expected duties are. Not just autistic people anyone disabled.…