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Let’s be real, some of you are tired of Facebook, Twitter’s BS, right? I am about to explain to you a no BS site that you should be joining right now called Now, what is is like Facebook but with a twist, you can earn crypto rewards. You get rewarded for posting good-quality photos. You use Facebook, Instagram and the CEO’s get the money. How’s about a site where YOU get rewarded? Tired of your Twitter getting suspended for speaking your mind? That won’t happen on Stish. Tired of getting your Facebook account blocked? Won’t happen on Stish. Moral of the story, all the issues you have with Facebook or Twitter you won’t have with
It’s also irritating on Facebook when your posts get buried therefore no one sees it. Or Facebook hiding posts that get little to no engagement. Irritating, right?

If you are a writer, blogger, or YouTuber looking to expand your brand. Or you just want to get away from the giants. Stish can help you with anything really. The sign up is fairly simple. It’s sorta like when you join any other site. The best thing, no algorithms that bury your posts like Facebook. On Facebook, you have to pay for more people to see your posts.
I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to pay just so more people see my stuff on Facebook.
Here is a screenshot of my profile. On the right, you can see the latest photos and on the left, you can see the latest videos. You can see how many people visited your profile. You can choose your post privacy just like Facebook. You can use a username. Unlike Facebook where you’re required to use your real name. The site will update as time goes long.
Scroll to the bottom of your feed and click ‘social blog’ to view blog posts.
You can even write blog posts on here. If you want to promote your website you can write a short summary of your blog and link the full article for people to see. I have gotten some traffic to my blog from this site. I have also gotten some traffic for my YouTube videos on here. Which do you choose? A site with censorship like Facebook, Twitter or a site where you can post freely like Stish was brought to my attention last year in August and I’ve enjoyed this site since.
Once the admins can get more members I am sure more features will be added.
You don’t know what you’re missing. You sure don’t wanna miss out on an awesome site like this, right?
What are you waiting for? Sign up! No BS. No censorship. No BS. You get rewarded for posting quality posts. I’ll be waiting. Lol JK. But really. I’d like you to give the site a chance.
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