I thought I’d write this blog post. I’ve noticed nowadays, no one wants to communicate but rather expects you to know things. As if you can read minds. I’ve noticed NTs don’t bother to…
- Being A Content Creator Blog
Did I get Scammed? And How You Can Learn From My Mistake|| Autism And Being Scammed
On my Facebook page, a guy commented on a post that they wanted to tip me. So I messaged them. I get an email that I should have found suspicious about getting a 50…
Rounding up the videos that did not do too well in August. School started earlier than expected. I will start streaming on Twitch and break up the VOD into parts which is way more…
I have been down south so many times. It’s where my folks are from. Alright? I can afford to travel down there at least. My great-grandma was turning 93 and the family threw her…
When I was in the 6th grade, my mom and I took a trip down south via train (Amtrak) during my winter break from school. We left a few days before Christmas. It was…