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This is the content planned for December. The peak break will continue due to the holidays when its harder for me to pull views on certain videos.

Swj- content going up for Simming With Jazz
GWJ-content going up for gaming with jazz
Saturday’s are when blogging content will be live.
Remember 30th-6th is recording sessions
7th-15th is combining video and audio files and video parts
and 15th-29th is editing sessions. As of now I am recording for January so any commentary wise feedback you have, the 6th is your last day!
I started doing this to let people know what content is going up on my channels and my blog.
I am on my peak break which means I reduce my uploads for periods where its harder to pull views on certain videos due to the holidays.
Rather than making a video when I change my schedule, I can make one of these instead.
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