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I Can’t Understand Your Feedback|| How Understanding Feedback Can Be Difficult For Autistic People

October 22, 2020

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I am a content creator. I made YouTube videos, blog posts, art, etc. People will give you feedback on what they feel can be better. However, their ‘feedback’ didn’t really help me. Please read the blog before you comment.

I just want to say that your feedback isn’t helping the creator if you’re just pointing out all of the flaws in the creation and don’t offer tips on how the person can actually make their stuff better. I had trouble getting interaction on my Facebook page. This person looked at the page and DMed me their ‘feedback.’

A college essay will overwhelm me with all of the info. I will skim it or not read it at all. VS leaving brief bullet points. It’s hard for some autistic folks to absorb and remember so much information.

I wasn’t getting any engagement on my Facebook page. So I asked for advice because maybe the person can tell me how to boost my posts somehow.

All they did was say how my page doesn’t tell them what I am about but didn’t give me a single tip on what I can change about my page to make it tell them I am a vlogger or a blogger.

All they did was point out the ‘negative’ posts that I made, no tips on the posts I am supposed to put on the page.  If they had said ‘your X doesn’t tell me you’re a blogger.’ And linked someone else’s page as a guild or helped me optimize it. I could have made them an admin so they can optimize it.

If they had said, ‘your posts don’t tell me you are a gamer.’ I would have known to promote my gaming content, post screenshots from games I played, share posts about gaming from other pages.

This is saying not to give feedback. This is just saying that your feedback isn’t helping me if you’re pointing out everything you don’t like about a video with no actual tips on how it can be fixed. It doesn’t look like feedback. it just looks like you’re just nitpicking. Also, slamming the creator for ‘not being able to take criticism’ when all I am asking for is more information regarding what is wrong with X doesn’t sit right. I won’t know what to fix or look out for if I do not know the problem.

If they’re vague. I don’t know what they mean

How can I take quote-on-quote criticism if you are not giving any tips to fix the issues you spotted. I can see it if you said something like ‘here is a filter to add in OBS for your camera it will help with the xyz issue you had’ and I told you to fuck off, I can see your point on not taking criticism.

For instance, this person told me a light threw off the white balance. Didn’t explain to me what a white balance is. They gave feedback as I am a professional in the film industry and not as if I am a noob who doesn’t know anything about filming and told me what caused the white balance issues and how to avoid them.

 When I first started my Aaliyah Holt channel. This person tells me how long my vlogs should be. Saying my video should be under 8 mins. The video was about a minute or so over.

This is the feedback I cannot do. Depending on how much raw footage I have sans editing, it will be impossible to lump it and keep it under 7 mins unless I am doing drone footage or a speed lapse. Their claim was that being a small YouTuber they will lose interest and not subscribe if my video is ‘too long.’ it doesn’t matter if your video is 2 minutes or 2 hours. If it’s not engaging, the viewer is not gonna watch.

As of now, YT added a feature if you put timestamps in your description box it breaks the watch bar line into sections so you can pick what you want. I will start adding this in my videos.

If you’re going to give feedback to me, don’t just say ‘your thumbnails need work,’ actually tell me some tricks that I can add to my thumbs. For example, if the text is hard to read, this effect will help.

Preferably, something within what I already do but a step up the ladder.

For instance, I get extremely confused when people keep telling me to buy a new mic but don’t tell me what they heard that made them think that.

In a group of small YouTubers on the feedback thread, those people saw me not being able to get better stuff for my channel, because I had no money, as an excuse. I truly had no income to be able to get a better mic or lighting etc

If you are not laying out what was missing, I won’t understand, I won’t know what needs to be done. In one of my Deltarune videos, one guy said to have more emotion. They never specifically told me what line(s) were emotional that my commentary didn’t express.

Deltarune seemed like a fun game and there were jokes left and right so their feedback was confusing. In the classroom scene, everyone’s excuses for not letting me in their group seemed funny. I didn’t see anything emotional. Undertale does have some sad parts but that is towards the end of the game. Deltarune may have had a sad moment that was near the end. I was at the start of the game.

Unless people unanimously agree it’s not working, I can’t just take one person’s consideration. To me, it’s not feedback if you’re just leaving me an essay on everything wrong with my video and I don’t see not one tip on how the issue(s) can be fixed. It’s no different than going to the doctor to find out why you’re sick. he tells you why you’re sick but don’t offer a treatment plan. When you give feedback give the person tips to fix the issues. If their thumbnails can be better say ‘the text is hard to read, add the so and so effects in your editor to bring it out.’ They know what effects to use to bring out their text.

The essays will be too overwhelming, too much to process and remember. I will either skim it or not read it at all.

Instead brief bullet points. Ex

Here are some things I believe will help you

When in doubt, this is my rule on thumb for thumbnails, make your text size 200 because mobile users will have a smaller preview than PC users

Spice up your editing with some memes, here is a list of some I’d recommend, you can search them on YouTube.

I saw quite a few quiet spots, my advice is to watch the raw video and write down the marks you didn’t speak or what you don’t want in the video anymore. This way when you edit, you can slide the marker to the stamps you recorded

Instead of telling me to work on my thumbnails, tell me what you saw that made you think that. Tell me what is missing. Tell me how the layout would fit the thumb better.

Instead of telling me to buy a new mic, tell me what you heard wrong and what to avoid so the sound won’t happen again.

Instead of telling me my editing needs work, give me tips on what I can add, link/list some memes you want to see in my videos and I can download them/search time. I can see a meme I really want in my videos but I don’t know what its called therefore I don’t know what to search.

Understand my videos are done way in advance and chances are the video was shot before I changed editors or moved my mic to a better spot etc.

All I am asking is if you point something out, I won’t understand with no visuals to better understand what you spotted in the video or whatever. If I don’t know what is causing the problem, I won’t know what to say if I post about it or post in groups etc.

Just as of updating this, I share a blog post on Reddit. A guy commented on Reddit saying my site kept randomly taking them back to the top. I checked on my phone and computer since I didn’t know what they were using and I couldn’t find the issue. If I’m told something, I investigated and don’t see it. I can only assume the person had issues with their device. If there is no visual (like a screenshot or video clip) of the bug you’re getting, then there is nothing I can do. if I ask someone, they need to see the bug themselves.

All I am saying is I won’t be able to understand without a guild or some idea of what you’re looking for.

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