Being A Content Creator

I Am NOT Ignoring You|| Common Small Streamer Problems I’ve Had

March 1, 2022

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I started streaming back in June last year. I started out on Twitch. I saw how difficult it was to get noticed on Twitch so I moved to stream on Youtube. I am still on Twitch. Sometimes if I am playing a story game I may stream an alternative run on Twitch. it all depends on how quickly I finish.

It’s just most of my streaming with being on YT ( eg if a game comes out that I wanna play and I want to play the older ones in the series so the current game makes sense to me) I will stream on YT instead of Twitch. When the Wolf Among Us 2 comes out, I will stream that on YT. If I feel I will be interested in an alternative

run, I will stream on Twitch.

The common issue I had while on Twitch; was if I didn’t answer messages right away, the person assumes I am ignoring them and leave. By the time I noticed their message, they already left.

I wish viewers understood there are several reasons why the streamer may not see your messages right away.

The streamer could be super focused on the game. Games like GTA, The Last of Us, Resident Evil, etc will have me locked during certain parts. The Last Of Us is mostly stealth so stealth parts will have me focused.

Maybe the streamer is playing a game blind and is not looking at chat to avoid spoilers; however, they will answer questions during intermissions.

Most streamers game on PC and they will have their game on one stream and their chat on the other. Me on the other hand, game on console. I am looking at my TV most of the time, NOT my computer. The only games I play on PC are the Sims and Roblox. Undertale/Deltarune if Toby releases the PC version before console versions.

otherwise 99.9% of the time, I am on PS4. Also being autistic it does take a tad longer to see things. Or if I am not talking a lot I have to listen out for enemies.

I am writing this because I don’t want the watcher to feel like they are being ignored. Just to serve as a head-up if they come to my streams. This could be a heads up for other streamers as well.

Some streamers you watch their friend or whoever is with them. Therefore one person can play the game and the other answer messages. Different streamers got different setups.

Understand that streamers are human, too. Especially small streamers. I just need time. Once I pass the high focus part(s) and get to a cutscene etc. I will answer messages.

I only started streaming last June. I am still learning. Especially Twitch since it feels like an upgrade from YouTube.

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